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Water results: 2-3 Litres

Drinking water is integral to your health and well being.  Every cell in your body utilises the water you drink.  It will help to fight infections through flushing waste from your system.  It assists in carrying oxygen and nutrients to your organs and muscles.  This is vitally important in maximising muscle growth as muscles need oxygen to contract at their most efficient level.  The nutrients in protein for example, delivered to each muscle cell via water will create the anabolic effect and growth potential for your physique.   Plus, every muscle in your body is approximately made of 75% water.  Fully hydrated muscles will be bigger and fuller!  

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2 Litres - 3 Litres

Congratulations! You are well on your way to setting up the necessary habits and routines that will deliver the best results.  2-3 litres per day will assist you in achieving your ideal physique and promoting the best health for yourself.   

Your personalised Chiselled Abs diet and training plan will help you to continue to take in the right amount of water and provide essential diet advice for the best protein, carb and fat intake each day to achieve your ideal physique.  

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